Mountain Roots
Why Naturopathy?

Why Naturopathy?

Are you considering how Naturopathic Medicine can play a role in your life and health? Naturopathic physicians are primary care practitioners, who are trained to treat ALL conditions and diseases. Patients seeking Naturopathic care typically fall into one of three categories: 1) people looking for holistic answers to their chronic conditions, 2) those who’ve been through the allopathic medical model and are looking for alternative approaches or 3) people who recognize the importance of preventative health and working in alignment with Nature to avoid diseases in their future (and in their future wallets). Below is a list of common complaints that Naturopaths treat successfully, it is by no means an exhaustive list.

The Medicine We Need Today

Conventional medicine has taken the complex and dynamic human experience and has reduced this phenomenon to simple separate parts. The human is no longer treated, instead the organ is treated, or the symptom is treated, or the disease is treated. If I were to break my leg, I want my broken bone set (yes!), but I also want the power and support for my whole organism to participate. A broken bone needs medicines that increase effective metabolism including both catabolic and anabolic processes, nutritive support to provide the necessary components of healthy bone, emotional connection as possible stored trauma unravels and overall stimulation of the individual’s innate healing mechanism. Naturopathy may be considered the alternative medicine, but its history and modalities are older than the current medical model and pharmaceuticals. Naturopathic philosophy is in alignment with healing philosophies from around the world that were established over millennia and continue to be used today. The world today has been inundated with the allopathic, insurance-based model, at a great cost to whole person healing. Americans need both Naturopathic and Allopathic models of medicine working with one, the other or a collaboration of both when appropriate. Taking a pill has become the norm and has left most people feeling stuck in a system that is always looking for the quick, short fix but never providing a lasting cure.

If you want to experience whole-person, sustainable healing, schedule a visit with Dr Meryl McBride and learn what Naturopathic Medicine can do for you!

Relief from All Types of Acute and Chronic Conditions